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Headaches & Migraines

Light Therapy helps to relieve Headaches & Migraines

Photopuncture uses a light therapy device with a focused beam (also known as torches or hand-held lights) to specifically activate energy points (aka acupoints) along the acupuncture meridians. 


Research has proven that light travels along these meridians just like it does fiber optic cable, opening and balancing the energetic flow in its wake.

This method of helping to balance and heal the body has been used for horses, pets and humans for over 25 years and is now being recognized by acupuncture schools and international light therapy programs as a valuable tool.​

Photopuncture Process

Photopuncture is usually performed by applying red light directly to the skin above the point for 15 – 180 seconds per point, depending upon the power output of the device. This allows us to activate the acupuncture point in a short period of time which results in using light instead of pharmaceutical drugs to go after pain. 

Photopuncture technician Lisa Chadsey applying photopuncture torches to a client's feet

Photopuncture Torches

​Photopuncture torches are red light devices that are excellent for helping to lower pain and increase circulation in any area of the body that is in need of care.  ​

Lisa carries the ONLY torch on the market with both Red and Infrared light included in one torch (as opposed to a larger cluster head not designed for targeted acupoint work) AND the ONLY torch with a fiber-optic probe attachment that allows for lighting in tight spaces like the mouth, sinuses, ear canals and puncture wounds.

Headache Expert Recommends Light Therapy

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6818 Pumpkin Ridge Dr

Windsor, CO 80550

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© 2020 - 2024  Light Matters Therapy with Lisa Chadsey

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Light Matters Therapy (LMT) and it's related products are not intended to diagnose or prescribe for medical, chiropractic or psychological conditions for humans or animals. LMT DOES NOT CLAIM to prevent, treat, mitigate or cure any conditions. LMT DOES NOT RECOMMEND specific information, products or services as treatment of disease or provide diagnosis, care, treatment or rehabilitation of individuals or animals. Clients or customers agree to make their own decisions, in conjunction with chosen medical professionals, to provide diagnoses, treatments, operations or prescriptions any physical conditions including, but not limited to disease, pain, injury, deformity. Any LMT recommended protocol, recipe or approach is based on training and experience with light therapy, nutritional supplements or traditional uses and may not be generally recognized as substantiated by competent and reliable scientific evidence. Any use of the techniques, education, information, supplements and other products or services is based on my informed consent. Clients or customers understand that any testimonials represent a cross section of the range of results that appear to be typical with the information, products or services. Results may vary depending upon use and commitment. 

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