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  • Writer's pictureLisa Chadsey

Using Light As Medicine

Using Light As Medicine

I talk alot about red, blue, and infrared lights, so today I wanted to explore more about these lights and what their specific wavelengths are.

There are many wavelengths out there, some of which that we use to see the beautiful world around us. As always, I want to teach you more about using light as medicine.

For many of us, when we start the day, we get exposure to sunlight. This light immediately enters our eyes - which we have special receptors for - and helps to set our circadian rhythms for the day. It also allows our bodies to naturally wake up and approach the day.

This being said, I highly recommend that you spend the first 30 minutes to an hour of your day away from your phone and that you instead give 5 - 10 minutes of that time to naturally expose yourself to light. (Include Huberman podcast link that talks about this science?)

Some of these natural wavelengths fall in our visual spectrum, and some are within the ultraviolet (UV) spectrum. We know that these wavelengths can be very powerful. Specifically, if you’ve been sunburned then you know that those wavelengths cause damage too. Part of my work is to make sure that the proper light wavelengths are used so you can experience healing from the right wavelengths.

Through the testing and application of science, the health field has found that certain wavelengths have been proven to be beneficial to people’s health. Specifically within the ranges of 630–660 nm and 810–850 nm. These correlate to what we use as red light and infrared light.

When these wavelengths are used, it has been shown to increase cellular energy, reduce inflammation, and increase blood flow so your body can function better.

Incredibly enough, when the red and infrared wavelengths interact with one another, the long wavelengths can actually strengthen the shorter wavelengths allowing for an even deeper healing within your body. That’s part of why the lights we use create such a powerful and healing impact.

A Quick Breakdown of Wavelengths You Know

  • Ultraviolet light, when used properly and in moderation, can help with healing your skin. When used improperly - for example, extreme sun exposure - it can lead to cell death and cancer.

  • Visible light, what you experience everyday and that allows you to see the tapestry of color you know and love, is between 400 - 700 nm

  • Blue light (450-495 nm) blue light kills bacteria in skin tissue and helps to stabilize mood. It doesn’t penetrate as deeply into the skin as red light.

  • Red Light (one of the primary lights used in light therapy) falls between 600 - 700 nm and can penetrate into your body to alleviate deeper issues, specifically ½" to an inch into the body. The most commonly used wavelengths are 630 - 660 nm.

  • Near Infrared Light - This is typically used with wavelengths in the 810 - 850 nm spectrum and can’t be seen by the human eye. This treats deep-tissue ailments and delivers nutrients to the bone. It pentrates through the skull to help create blood flow which helps to address brain trauma, strokes, dementia, etc. It’s especially good at providing inflammation support.

There is so much that goes into the existing wavelengths and how we interact with them, it’s incredible!

Hopefully this quick overview has helped you understand a little more about how these wavelengths can help your body and mind heal.

With Love,

~Lisa Chadsey


If you want to learn more about Light Therapy & my Light Therapy work, you can follow me with the links below, or email me at - thank you for reading!

Additional information pulled from this article:

Instagram | Lightswithlisa

Facebook | Light Matters Therapy

Youtube | Lights With Lisa

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